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How can I solve problems that would involve necessary UX changes on other pages? How can I incorporate new design to the current global design? How can I incorporate all the solutions in the best practice for both UX and UI?
Reinvent product strategies How can I incorporate new design to the current global design? How can I incorporate all the solutions in the best practice for both UX and UI?
Design Process
I had interviews with users and empathised their pain points and business needs. I defined based on my research and created affinity map, empathy map and user persona. I started to find core problems in the original design and ideate what I could do to solve problems in the new design. I went over the ideations all total 6 times with Top Leaders, Product Managers and CS team before getting into the final prototype. In the prototype process, I started with high fidelity mock. Since I created the design system, designers started mocking using templates in Lasso Garden. After carefully finalized the mock, it was handed over to an engineering team.
I interviewed 16 people in the CS team who daily uses reporting page and asked their pain points and business needs.
I used 3 websites to compare where I frequently visit to get inspirations from. Most of all, I was inspired at the dashboard in Pinterest because it has Reporting and Custom Reports that I could borrow many ideas into our platform.
I defined to find core problems and solutions by mapping out users' feelings and thoughts to understand what I can do to make better user experience.
I drew affinity map based on unique insights and reoccurring pain points from my user interviews. I used research app called evolve to shadow the interview, and then summarized the notes in Figjam.
Empathy map helped me understand how current user experience needs to be changed so users can efficiently get their job done in a daily basis.
I created a strong persona based on my research phase. Throughout the redesign of reporting page, I referred back to this persona to ensure that I’m staying aligned with the most important problems that need to be solved and to help inform my design decisions.

When the page was designed, design systems didn't exist in the company. All the pages were designed in the same design patterns but it was hard to be always consistent. I made consistent layouts in the code by creating reusable global CSS for spacing, colors and font sizes.
As I ideated, I found the cause of problems for users, and often they were considered as users' pain points.

Pre-defined reportings often confuse users. Campaign Summary which displays datas that live in Campaign is a part of Reporting.
Users have to save reports in order to schedule and scheduling only can be done in Saved Reports tab.
Delivered Report tab was useless since it wasn't that users could reuse the report and schedule it again.

What are the reasons why there are 2 separate filters to run a report?
Reports have to be run and saved in order to schedule. This will cause more storage costs in the backend.
Since I created Lasso Garden, designers use page templates to develop mocks. This way, designers can hand off their mocks much faster which was much needed for such a fast growing company like Lasso.
Through out the ideation process, I found solutions composed of many forms of ideas. Once I designed the first around, I went over the design with top leaders and CS teams to get more feedback. The design was handed off to the developers after the five revisions.
CTO really liked the idea that the company can save storage cost! Filters became much more robust to serve business needs.